Welcome to our Auctions!
Auctions for aviation slides on AirlineSlides start on Saturdays and end on Sundays, 7 or 14 days later.
Military and civil aviation auctions on eBay start on Sunday and end the following Sunday.
How do you find your item in Zoggavia's eBay Shop?
The search is working for all Buying Formats - All Listings, Auction, or Buy It Now.
Please choose the format you prefer, or you can also switch the Buying Format during all the steps below.
By clicking on the Zoggavia Logo, you will return to the shop's homepage.
1. Based on the type of aviation, i.e., Civil and Military aviation:
- Aircraft Category, i.e., Helicopter, Jetliners and Propliners.
2. Based on the media:
- Photos; i.e., 4 x 6"/10 x 15cm, 5 x 7"/13 x 18cm, 8 x 12"/20 x 30cm
and Slides; i.e., 35mm Original Slides, 35mm Duplicated Slides.
The search explained using the "Constellation" example:
Search all the xxxx items in the shop - All Constellations, Civil, and Military on Slides and Photos will appear.
You chose Civil Aviation from the categories' menu - You see the available Civil Constellations on all media.
You enter the airline and registration into the search field - the wanted Constellation(s) will appear.
I would like to search for the photos showing Constellations:
Go to the Category Photos and enter Constellations in the search field - You will see all the Constellation photos.
You can further refine the search based on the Photo Size in the category menu.
Please proceed in a similar way if you are looking for Constellation Slides, just enter Slides instead of Photos.